Here are some resources that might be helpful for students:
Getting in to Graduate Programs in Clinical Psychology: This is a guide that I wrote while in Graduate School, spelling out as much of the process as I could. Graduate programs, especially in Psychology, and especially in Clinical Psychology, are particularly difficult to get into. This is partly because while there is no unified process for applications, there are a lot of unspoken rules. So if this is where you are thinking of going, see if you find my advice useful.
Literature Searches: These are a part of everyday life in the world of research. This document will help you learn how to do literature searches, find the articles you need, and maintain a reference database. I will show you how to use PubMed and PsycInfo for online searches, and use the Library resources to fill out your library. Then, I will show you how to keep a database with Acrobat and EndNote.
Apply to work in my lab: I am currently looking for research assistants. I am looking for University of Arizona undergraduates who have an interest in working in human clinical sleep research. Contact me for more information.