The following resources are available:
PVT-TOUCH: This is a version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task developed specifically for Android devices. It is freely available for non-commercial purposes and is available for licensing for other uses.
Sleep Practces and Attitudes Questionnaire (SPAQ): The SPAQ was designed to gain a comprehensive assessment of how people sleep in the real world, how they cope with sleep problems, what they believe about sleep, and what factors affect how and when a person sleeps.
Clinical Tools: These include handouts, worksheets and other tools that I have developed for my own practice, which you may find helpful. In addition, a few other tools (not created by me) are provided here, as they are freely available online elsewhere and I thought I would share them.
For Students: These resources for students include tips for getting into graduate school, help with literature searches, and other resources. Also, I have links to listserves and other online resources for trainees.