Consulting & Scientific Advisory
Dr. Grandner has worked with a number of companies and organizations to help promote healthy sleep. This can include single presentations, program and product development, research, advising on sleep-related issues, and more.
All of these activities are consistent with the University of Arizona policies regarding faculty consulting. Companies or organizations considering engaging Dr. Grandner for consulting activities may be interested to see these policies here.
He is currently a scientific advisor to technology companies like Fitbit and Casper Sleep, and nutritional companies such as Natrol, NightFood, and SmartyPants Vitamins. He is the resident sleep expert at Athleta, and works frequently with athletics organizations such as NCAA, MLB, Team USA, and the IOC. He also works with pharmaceutical companies like Merck and Jazz, and patient advocacy organizations like Project Sleep and the ASAA.
If you are interested in having him work for you, contact him directly.

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I'll also send you My 10 Best Sleep Tips to help you get your best sleep possible,
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