Research Interests
Dr. Grandner is the Director of the
Sleep and Health Research Program.
Learn more about the program by visiting the website.
Insufficient sleep and sleep disorders are implicated in 4 of the 7 leading causes of death (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and accidents). Over 40 studies across several decades have documented that sleep duration is a significant predictor of mortality. Insufficient sleep and sleep disorders are also associated with weight gain, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, depression, cognitive deficits, and many other adverse outcomes. Sleep is an important part of overall health.
Dr. Grandner's research interests include the broad application of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, including studies of sleep as a domain of health behavior and the development and implementation of behavioral interventions for insufficient sleep and sleep disorders. Specific areas of focus include: (1) adverse cardiovascular, metabolic, and behavioral health outcomes associated with short sleep and/or insufficient sleep, (2) biopsychosocial determinants of short sleep, insufficient sleep, and poor sleep quality, and (3) behavioral interventions for sleep as a domain of health behavior. In summary, it is my belief that we need to better understand the downstream adverse outcomes of insufficient or poor quality sleep, the upstream determinants of sleep and sleep behaviors, and how knowledge of sleep determinants can inform behavioral interventions for adverse outcomes.
Learn more about current projects at the lab website.
My research has been funded by:

As well as industry partners, including Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Kemin Foods, and Nexalin Technology
Current research projects:

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