Media Information
Dr. Michael Grandner is an internationally-recognized expert on sleep and health. Through his research, he studies how sleep is an important aspect of health, like diet and exercise. He studies not only what happens to our health when we do not get enough sleep, but also how and why people sleep the way they do in the real world. His work also includes studying poor quality of sleep and sleep disorders, as well as real-world solutions for sleep problems.
Current Position
Dr. Grandner is Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine in the School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Psychology in the School of Sciences, Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Associate Professor of Clinical Translational Science. He is also Director of the Arizona Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the Banner--University Medical Center in Tucson, which oversees the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders using non-medication approaches.
Bio #1
Dr. Michael Grandner is a licensed clinical psychologist, Director of the Sleep and Heath Research Program at the University of Arizona, and Director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the Banner-University Medical Center in Tucson, AZ. Read more about him at
Bio #2
Dr. Michael Grandner is a licensed clinical psychologist, board-certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine. He is the Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona and Director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the Banner-University Medical Center in Tucson. Dr. Grandner is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine, Nutritional Sciences, and Clinical Translational Science at the University of Arizona. He is an internationally-recognized expert in sleep health, has over 250 academic publications, and frequently consults with health, technology, athletics, and nutritional companies and organizations regarding sleep, health, and performance. Read more about him at
Bio #3
Dr. Grandner is a licensed Clinical Psychologist certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine, Nutritional Sciences, and Clinical Translational Science at the University of Arizona. His clinical work focuses on non-medication treatments for sleep disorders. His research examines the relationship between sleep and obesity, diabetes, heart disease, daytime functioning, and longevity. His work has received awards from the Sleep Research Society, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American Heart Association, and other organizations. He is author or co-author on over 250 academic publications. He has served on grant review panels for the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health, both the mental health and sleep and wellness task force for the NCAA, and the mental health consensus committee for the International Olympic Committee. He is a frequent consultant and speaker on the issue of sleep health and has been invited multiple times to the US Congress to discuss the role of sleep in health and functioning. Dr. Grandner’s work has been featured in television, radio, and print media, in over 50 countries. Learn more about his work at
Bio #4
Dr. Grandner is a licensed Clinical Psychologist certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine, Nutritional Sciences, and Clinical Translational Science at the University of Arizona. His clinical work focuses on non-medication treatments for sleep disorders. His research examines the real-world implications of sleep health, focusing on downstream cardiometabolic and neurocognitive effects of sleep loss, upstream social, behavioral and environmental impacts on sleep, and implementation of sleep health interventions. His work has received awards from the Sleep Research Society, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, American Heart Association, and other organizations. He is author or co-author on over 200 journal articles and book chapters. He is the editor of the textbook "Sleep and Health." He has served on grant review panels for the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health, both the mental health and sleep and wellness task force for the NCAA, and the mental health consensus committee for the International Olympic Committee. He received his BA in Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology from the University of Rochester, his MS and PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Joint Doctoral Program at San Diego State University and University of California, San Diego. He completed his clinical internship at the San Diego VA and UCSD. He went on to complete a fellowship in Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania and a fellowship in Behavioral Sleep Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia VA. He then completed a Masters in Translational Research at the University of Pennsylvania. Learn more about his work at
Download his current CV.

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