Schedule a Meeting
To schedule a clinic appointment for your sleep problem, follow the directions here.
For all other meetings or appointments,
schedule a time on Dr. Grandner's calendar. |
If there are no times available, please contact Dr. Grandner to discuss an alternative meeting time.
Click here to get directions to his office. Please note that he does not take walk-ins, and he can only meet by appointment. So please call or email for an appointment before visiting.
Some scheduling tips:
1. You can view Dr. Grandner's current schedule at any time, which is generally updated at
2. Please select times that work for you. If you can, select multiple time slots and so Dr. Grandner can choose the one that works best (rather than needing to ask you for new times if the one you request doesn't work).
3. When you request a time, please don't request more time than you need.
4. Please only request time slots that are during regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) local Arizona time. Times outside of this window may be blocked off. Note that Arizona has a unique time zone because of a lack of daylight savings time (sometimes Mountain [MST] and sometimes Pacific [PST]).
5. In the title of your request, please include at least your name. Don't call the meeting something generic like "meeting" or "student meeting." In the description, please include your contact info and the purpose of the meeting.

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